Ultra High Pressure Hose

Ultra High Pressure Hose is a comprehensive range of fully engineered polymer hoses featuring combination spiral layered steel reinforcement. Each hose family has been carefully developed with bespoke insert and ferrule designs to maintain the highest integrity of both the components and the final assembly. Ultra High Pressure Hose Application in the industrual: Waterjet cutting, cleaning…

Drain Down Hose

The Drain Down hose is designed to lay flat when draining down a central heating system. It can also be used drain other types of water such as swimming pool and is used with many trades as well as emergency plumbers and central heating engineers. The orange drain down hose can be coiled for storage…

Hot Water Hose

Application:Hot water hose is suitable for the conveyance of high temperature water for automobile,cleaning and cooling applications.The rugged construction of the Industrial hoses makes them suitable for all sorts of steam transfer operations in places like chemical plants,refineried,shipyards and other demanding industrial environments. Features: 1. Tube:Black,EPDM compound synthetic rubber 2. Reinforcement:High tensile textile cord with…